Author: Zach Broom

When injustice seems to prevail

The world we live in can be quite disheartening. From corrupt political leaders, to racial injustice, to the cries of the unborn whose blood has been spilt in the millions, we can easily find ourselves disillusioned living in a society that perverts good and champions evil. Sometimes this frustration can lead to our questioning God,…
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A declaration of dependence

In 2013, a man named Derrick Mosley entered a store with a knife intending to rob it. However, he ran into a problem. The manager was armed with a gun, which he evidently didn’t suspect even though it was a gun store—pretty foolish, right? In West Palm Beach Florida, a man was arrested after he…
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A Bright & Gloomy Easter

Last Easter, I never would have imagined that my first Easter as pastor would be preaching to an audience of one. I never would have imagined all the empty chairs. Easter is one of the biggest days of the year and the building is usually packed, not empty. But not this year. This year we…
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A Poem: The Farmer and The Bird

“Perhaps you have heard the story of the bird who was finding a place to nest. A place neither too warm, nor frigidly cold, that was dry and protected him best. Not easy to see from the sky or a tree that the wind couldn’t wrestle or vex. So the bird flew about to try…
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Joy to the World

When I was young, Easter was definitely lower on my list of holiday favorites. How could it compare to opening presents on Christmas morning, or trick or treating at Halloween? Sure, we got Easter baskets with some candy, but growing up in the church meant that we had to be at church especially early for…
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A Morally Confused People

In case you missed it, we are now living in a post-Christian era. Sure, much of the vestiges of our nation’s past embracement of Christianity’s virtues are still here, for now, but the drum beat of the 60’s sexual revolution is marching on. However, as of late, our culture is feeling the awkwardness felt after…
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Unity in a Divided Nation

When thinking of a word to describe the current cultural and political mood, unity is probably the last word that comes to mind—Factions, tribalism, or dissension would be more fitting. But in the midst of an angry and outraged culture, one entity ought to stand out. The church. Since becoming a pastor a little more…
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Ideas have Consequences

I recently read a shocking statistic from a study by the Barna Research Group, that only 9 percent of professing Christians hold to a biblical worldview. It’s no wonder then that today’s Christians show little difference in how they live compared to their non-Christian counter-parts. As a pastor who works with youth, I am all…
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A Radical Message

I was recently reading about Jeffrey Dahmer, an American serial killer who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of 17 men and boys. The depths of evil that Dahmer went to are too hideous to describe in detail here, but the man took on the very face of evil. However, after confessing to his crimes…
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The Meaning of Christmas

I never get tired of the Christmas story. The idea that the almighty infinite God, the creator of the universe, became a baby – a crying, smelly, helpless baby – is so unlike anything we could have ever imagined on our own. If you’ve ever read the Old Testament, you’ll realize how truly remarkable this…
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